I found the videos and relaxations techniques very helpful. I am managing my pain more effectively and my mental health is much improved. I will continually with the relaxations techniques and stretching exercises for the foreseeable future. Thank you
Mar 2025
This program has given me whole new perspective on pain and the effect it has on my life. I find I respond differently to pain flare ups and I have a different approach to day-to-day life, deciding to just be okay with whatever I can't manage today and leaving it for tomorrow. And asking for more help, talking about pain more with people in my life and being okay with sharing it! I also deliberately make time to relax and recover. Such a helpful program, thank you!
Mar 2025
Mar 2025
Feb 2025
"Whilst some of the programme didn't necessarily relate to my condition, I found the different techniques for coping with pain flare ups and self care management very helpful."
Feb 2025
Feb 2025
"It has been interesting working through this. I found some of the tips helpful and the videos of the mindfulness worked well. The stretching exercises are useful and although I know my pain will never be over due to my condition, I have some tools to help on my worse days. Thank you."
Feb 2025
First, I found the program very professional ! Easy to follow. I have learnt a lot, thank you . I have passed on certain details to friends who have back problems.
Feb 2025
Brilliant program, meditations and advice
Feb 2025
"I have found this programme very helpful indeed and have actually enjoyed the various steps. My confidence in walking has greatly increased and actually I can walk further without feeling I am going to fall over. Huge thanks indeed for the best Pain Control programme I have attended over the last 18 years. My spirits have been greatly lifted in every way."
Feb 2025
I’m glad I was given the opportunity by my physiotherapist to complete this online program. It has guided me through looking at my pain from a different angle, the pain is still there but I feel better prepared to challenge how my mind and body respond to it. The stretching exercises are good to incorporate into daily life and many can be done from a seated position which can help if mobility is an issue. The video clips are interesting and engaging with lots of useful information and presented in an easy to understand format, doesn’t feel like you are being spoken at, more spoken to. The relaxation videos are good but I found them lengthy initially as I’m very anxious so set aside a more appropriate time to revisit them and found that easier once I was prepared for that time period. Self help is a great tool and I will revisit the program often over the coming weeks to refresh the techniques I have been shown. Thank you
Feb 2025
"I want to thank you for offering this program and the help with increasing my mindset to move forward and not stay in a unknown place. It’s made me feel more positive by using the techniques from your programme, more positive in how to cope with pain flare ups, management of pain and enjoying the relaxation and gentle exercises, turning negatives into positives, setting goals and achieving goals in the future."
Feb 2025
"Initially, I was sceptical about how this program would help me manage my pain, especially considering the type of pain I had. However, I am glad that I signed up for the online program and was able to complete it at my own pace. I learned a great deal from it and now have a better understanding of how to manage my pain without constantly relying on medications, particularly when they are not effective. I also found the meditations to be incredibly beneficial; they helped me relax and fall asleep. Many thanks to all the instructors!"
Jan 2025
I don't think this personally worked for me. The meditation felt uncomfortable and was aimed at neurotypical people. I'll keep doing the stretches to see if they help long term.
Jan 2025
This programme has given me a greater understanding of my pain and ways I can manage it. Thank you.
Jan 2025
"I did initially find the program difficult to adhere to, but towards the end I think I benefited more through the meditation and simple exercise program. I am so grateful for this program and I hope to spend a lot more time revisiting the steps as part of my ongoing recovery."
Jan 2025
Been a struggle of a journey. Not only has this program given me great techniques on dealing with pain, but has overall helped on my confidence. Thank you
Dec 2024
For an online program, this is very good, easy to follow, understand and complete. Good visuals and informative.
Dec 2024
It’s help me realise that I’m not alone in the world of suffering but I don’t think the program has done much for me as it was mainly about mental health and other pains within the body not much on groin pain sadly
Dec 2024
I would definitely recommend this pain management journey
Dec 2024
Thank you for the program it was very helpful enabling me to support myself with excellent techniques to control my pain. The techniques are for life and I will continue to build these skills.
Dec 2024
Dec 2024
This is such a brilliant programme - everyone should have to do it! It’s not a magic wand which makes your pain go away, but the main way I have found it helpful is about teaching you a different mindset around dealing with pain when you have it. Feeling more positive about it. Knowing that it isn’t going to last forever when you have a flare up. Understanding that it’s not the end of the world to have to make some mental adjustments to what you thought the rest of your life was going to look like. Knowing that pain is NOT damage makes life a lot less frightening. Knowing that staying active is usually better than doing nothing and hoping it gets better on its own is quite empowering. Thank you so much. I have found this programme so valuable and I will always be grateful for the learning I am taking from it.
Dec 2024
"I really enjoyed the online program and being able to do it in my own time. I have found all of the different learning techniques extremely helpful and have been practising them as often as possible getting them into my daily routine. I also found all the meditation and relaxation exercises very helpful and beneficial. Being able to learn a different approach towards pain has helped massively and I will continue to do this. Thank you"
Dec 2024
Nov 2024