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Displaying 901 - 925 of 961 Testimonials

This course has helped me more than you will ever know. I had never practised any relaxation before this, however, it will be something that I continue with and will share with my family, it's unbelievable how it makes you feel. The stretching excercise's are really helping me and I am starting to feel a difference. I actually feel sad that the course has finished and would like to thank you all for giving me confidence and helping me to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Nicola Bailey

Jun 2015

I was not sure to start with but it has helped me a little I can do more than I used to thanks .still in pain but I'm fighting it better now.

Maureen Payne

Jun 2015

To be honest I didn't expect to get much out of this course but I've seen a small change in my depression mainly through the relaxation and meditation which helps with sleeping and taking the edge off my pain I know it's going to take time and patience but glad I was considered for this course and I will keep it up Thank you so much

Euphemia Harrison

Jun 2015

Very good has helped me alot especially the stretching.

Anne Harman

Jun 2015

I have experienced pain over 40 odd years in my later years it has become more difficult to fight back and reclaim my life. I know in the near future I will need more surgery I know I have to try and accept that but I want to try and improve my life by other means e.g meditation relaxation etc I feel this is my last chance I cannot carry on living with this pain and its hold on me.

Steve Towe

Jun 2015

I was very pleased to try this course as I no longer feel alone with my pain and more confident and thank Gill for talking me into trying it.

Susan Currie

Jun 2015

The course has giving me confidence in resuming a normal life.

Carole Sims

Jun 2015

I've really enjoyed this on-line course. The exercises and meditation have been a great help. Although after suffering pain for several months I became run-down and tired but hope to overcome this in time. I have goals to attain which I hope will be possible over the next few months. Thank you again for putting me on this course.

Patricia Wiseman

Jun 2015

Doing this course has taught me not to be scared of my pain and that there are things I can do to help myself. It has given me lots of information and techniques to try when I'm having bad days.

Sarah Winterbourne

May 2015

I have found the relaxation therapy really helpful the exercises have been a little more difficult. I have had to stop swimming at work as I suffered badly for 3 weeks afterwards with the pain from the fybromyalga, but my work has been very good about it. I hope to carry on with the meditation and exercise as much as is possible. 

Carol Hogg

May 2015

I wish to thank all the members of this team,I am going to try these methods hopefully it may help I'm still not good but will try . Gillian kaye.

Gillian Kaye

Apr 2015

I have found parts of the courses extremely helpful. thank you.

Patricia Brewer

Apr 2015

I have really enjoyed the course, it was a lot better than reading a leaflet because I felt a friendship with the people that were taking me through the course, so I didn't feel so alone. I have been doing a easy TaiChi and Qigong exercise that has helped me to pace myself more, instead of always rushing. I will continue doing daily exercise, breathing and meditation also the mindfulness of realising that PAIN DOES NOT MEAN TO DAMAGE! I would recommend the course to anyone, I have already told my family and friends about it. Thank you for your time, help and support.


Apr 2015

I have found this course of great help in reinforcing exercises and information I have gathered over many years dealing with pain. Your meditation sessions will be of assistance as I go forward. I will try very hard to keep up with the information you have passed on. It was of great help to be able to undertake these sessions at home on line and not to have to make appointments and travel to various clinics. The fact that the programme is free and available to access when the course ends is amazing! I enjoyed listening to the various people who lead the sessions. I would recommend this course to anyone coping with new pain and chronic ongoing problems.

Catherine Howlett writes

Apr 2015

I've been really happy with the outcome after having done this course. I found it extremely well planned and each session was always just long enough to keep one totally engrossed in what was being discussed. All advice was extremely helpful and relevant. As the course progressed I found my neck pain had lessened and by the end of the course I found that there were many days when I was not aware of it. I also found the meditations/mindfulness exercises invaluable and it was always good to come home in the evening and find the next session waiting with someone there to talk me through my problem. I will definitely be visiting the library often especially as I am now dealing with a troublesome IBS problem. My thanks to everyone for the tremendous help.

Anne Robertson

Mar 2015

I was sceptical at first if the online course would work. I am so pleased I decided to do it. I felt as if the course was one to one. I felt I personally was being spoken to. I recommend people try it, it has benefitted me especially in the relaxation techniques,

Maureen Cross

Mar 2015

I found this course very helpful as before it I couldn't pace myself correctly or relax the stretching exercise very helpful Barbara


Mar 2015

I am sure that many will find the course amazingly helpful. Much of it was, but due to my profession, I am not always able to pace myself and did find some of the units were unable to help me. Not the course fault, mine.

Adrienne Griggs

Mar 2015

I have found this course very helpful and encouraging. Now that I have completed the course I intend to make use of the stretching video and the mindful meditation. The meditation I found so relaxing. But overall the subjects which each step covered is very helpful and I can relate to most of it. Well worth doing and so pleased my GP gave me access to the course.

Morag Box

Feb 2015

The course is laid out in an easy-to-understand constructive plan. I had no trouble following it through and I liked the options that are always on offer to go re-review some of the steps, such as video messages and instruction.

Matthew Rose

Feb 2015

I have really enjoyed the course and have begun to practice everything I have learnt.

Toni-Anita Edwards

Jan 2015

I really enjoy the guided meditation.

Sharon Vivian

Jan 2015

I found the course very helpful from the start. The relaxation techniques have been brilliant and I will continue to practice them. It has made me aware that this is a life style change and I feel all the better for it.

Liza Graveling

Dec 2014

This is an excellent tool. It is packed with practical advice and tips. The information is presented clearly, and intelligibly. It has been a great help/ I would recommend it.


Nov 2014

The course has certainly made me 'make time' to consider my pain and how it affects my life, in a positive way. I have learnt strategies that help me cope and, hopefully, will minimise any increase in pain in the future. It has certainly helped my 'mindset' so I can 'take on' the difficulties I have in a positive and challenging way.


Nov 2014

Displaying 901 - 925 of 961 Testimonials