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Displaying 926 - 950 of 974 Testimonials

I have really enjoyed the course, it was a lot better than reading a leaflet because I felt a friendship with the people that were taking me through the course, so I didn't feel so alone. I have been doing a easy TaiChi and Qigong exercise that has helped me to pace myself more, instead of always rushing. I will continue doing daily exercise, breathing and meditation also the mindfulness of realising that PAIN DOES NOT MEAN TO DAMAGE! I would recommend the course to anyone, I have already told my family and friends about it. Thank you for your time, help and support.


Apr 2015

I have found this course of great help in reinforcing exercises and information I have gathered over many years dealing with pain. Your meditation sessions will be of assistance as I go forward. I will try very hard to keep up with the information you have passed on. It was of great help to be able to undertake these sessions at home on line and not to have to make appointments and travel to various clinics. The fact that the programme is free and available to access when the course ends is amazing! I enjoyed listening to the various people who lead the sessions. I would recommend this course to anyone coping with new pain and chronic ongoing problems.

Catherine Howlett writes

Apr 2015

I've been really happy with the outcome after having done this course. I found it extremely well planned and each session was always just long enough to keep one totally engrossed in what was being discussed. All advice was extremely helpful and relevant. As the course progressed I found my neck pain had lessened and by the end of the course I found that there were many days when I was not aware of it. I also found the meditations/mindfulness exercises invaluable and it was always good to come home in the evening and find the next session waiting with someone there to talk me through my problem. I will definitely be visiting the library often especially as I am now dealing with a troublesome IBS problem. My thanks to everyone for the tremendous help.

Anne Robertson

Mar 2015

I was sceptical at first if the online course would work. I am so pleased I decided to do it. I felt as if the course was one to one. I felt I personally was being spoken to. I recommend people try it, it has benefitted me especially in the relaxation techniques,

Maureen Cross

Mar 2015

I found this course very helpful as before it I couldn't pace myself correctly or relax the stretching exercise very helpful Barbara


Mar 2015

I am sure that many will find the course amazingly helpful. Much of it was, but due to my profession, I am not always able to pace myself and did find some of the units were unable to help me. Not the course fault, mine.

Adrienne Griggs

Mar 2015

I have found this course very helpful and encouraging. Now that I have completed the course I intend to make use of the stretching video and the mindful meditation. The meditation I found so relaxing. But overall the subjects which each step covered is very helpful and I can relate to most of it. Well worth doing and so pleased my GP gave me access to the course.

Morag Box

Feb 2015

The course is laid out in an easy-to-understand constructive plan. I had no trouble following it through and I liked the options that are always on offer to go re-review some of the steps, such as video messages and instruction.

Matthew Rose

Feb 2015

I have really enjoyed the course and have begun to practice everything I have learnt.

Toni-Anita Edwards

Jan 2015

I really enjoy the guided meditation.

Sharon Vivian

Jan 2015

I found the course very helpful from the start. The relaxation techniques have been brilliant and I will continue to practice them. It has made me aware that this is a life style change and I feel all the better for it.

Liza Graveling

Dec 2014

This is an excellent tool. It is packed with practical advice and tips. The information is presented clearly, and intelligibly. It has been a great help/ I would recommend it.


Nov 2014

The course has certainly made me 'make time' to consider my pain and how it affects my life, in a positive way. I have learnt strategies that help me cope and, hopefully, will minimise any increase in pain in the future. It has certainly helped my 'mindset' so I can 'take on' the difficulties I have in a positive and challenging way.


Nov 2014

Thank you so much. I have found the course very good.Since the medication course I have stopped taking my pain killers as I found that they were causing other problems. I have always tried relaxing and the breathing to help with the pain and found that reflexology was good but the relaxation course that you have provided is really good. Thank you once again

Susan Johnson

Nov 2014

I have been very happy with the course and have found the stretching and meditation very helpful. The section about pacing yourself for me is unrealistic as life doesn't allow me to do that it but I do appreciate it would be helpful for other people. Thanks for the help and advice.

Elizabeth Harpe

Oct 2014

I have found the relaxation techniques to be possibly the most help I've ever received in the 26 or so years that I've had my condition. Many thanks to all for your efforts.


Oct 2014

I've found this helpful and the relaxation videos are great, i would recomend you to others.

Diane Morrison

Oct 2014

This course is very good... the way it help me manage my pain, i seem to be able to pace myself.

Christine Harfield

Sep 2014

This is a very good course to help people with long term pain. It is set up so well and you can go back over and over again to bits you found helpful.

Deborah Purfield

Sep 2014

Simple steps and common sense but useful to do the programme nonetheless as it reinforces positive action. I particularly enjoyed the extended meditation/relaxation audios.

Louisa Orr

Sep 2014

The pathway through pain course has confirmed the link between my levels of stress and levels of pain and given me the wisdom and tools for managing my stress and thus improving my pain. The physio has also improved my mobility, levels of pain and functioning. I know if I continue to exercise daily and follow the tenants of this course, I will be able to maintain my improvements and also continue to improve and enjoy a full family and working life. Thank you Pathway through pain team.

Beccy Gibson

Sep 2014

I have had a weak and painful back for many years (I am 62 now) and have spent a lot of time worrying about it. This course has changed that, in that one of the most important points that I have gained from the course is the idea that pain is not damage. I am not very disciplined with my own health and usually try to solve the problem instead of trying to prevent the problem in the first place. The course covers every aspect of controlling pain and does it fantastically well and always in an interesting and involving way. The test will be to see what happens when I have a problem in the future. Will I remember what the course has told me or will I panic? I hope it is the former. Very impressive course indeed. Who says the NHS is not up to it? I think it is truly marvelous and thank you to all concerned.

Paul Brandon

Sep 2014

Been a very worth while course, helps with flair ups, general day to day pain and relaxing.

James McLeish

Sep 2014

Very interesting and informative. the best bit for me was the relaxation techniques.

Elisabeth Johnson

Sep 2014

Excellent course that has helped me have another, more positive, perspective on pain. Lots of ideas and new things to think about and try. I will continue with the things I have learned on this course. Thank you.

Sarah Lasenby

Aug 2014

Displaying 926 - 950 of 974 Testimonials