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Displaying 926 - 947 of 947 Testimonials

I have found this online course very helpful overall. Although I don't suffer from back pain, and so some of the course didn't seem relevant initially, on reflection the principles involved are - in my experience, at least. I feel the course has provided good support for me to formulate a realistic plan to help me in good times and bad. Using the techniques and the new insights I have gained, in conjunction with the wonderful support from the Pain Clinic, has made managing the pain a reality in my day to day life. This is something I seriously doubted at the outset. So I would say to anyone, don't be put off by the online method of delivery, it does help. And don't be afraid of how 'odd' some of the techniques might seem; give them a try - they really do work! 

Gail G

Aug 2014

I have just completed the course and have found it most useful. Though I still experience the pain in my back, I now have tools to help me deal with it better. I can get through my day in a more positive manner. 


Aug 2014

I found this course to be helpful and enlightening in my way of dealing with pain. More information I have I can apply to my daily living with chronic pain. Many thanks to the professionals who has made this course accessible to me. Following the suggestions that has been made on this course I look forward to having a better quality of life with my condition.

Mark Baker

Aug 2014

Thank you I have enjoyed the program and found it very helpful, I found the relaxation and meditation l really good and they have helped me a lot. I am also trying to pace myself ,as this is my downfall which then causes me more pain, but I am learning to cope with that better. I was very reluctant at first about the program but I am very glad I have completed it now and will continue to follow it. Kind Regards.


Jul 2014

Having done 4 -5 of these pain management courses before , it has confirmed that the method's that I have leant built-up over the last 25 - 30 years are the ones that have worked for me . I am able to use the things that I have learnt and adapted to give me the best tools when dealing with my pain . So the course is one that can help people learn to live with the pain and that it is always good to confirm that the way you are using these aids is right for you.

Peter Thornhill

Jul 2014

I suffer chronic daily headache/migraine pain, as well as nerve damage, neck, shoulder pain. All to varying degrees of intensity every day. I have had Physiotherapy, medication changes, even botox treatment. I see pain management and neurologists. It has had little impact on my persistent pain. What I realised I needed was something that would help me understand my pain, how to help me manage my pain How to see the pain and help me work through a way of stopping, not the pain, but the often negativity, despair and consequences of these on my life. Something to help me overcome and regain, even a little of my life. Stop the pain, driving and controlling me. The Pathway Through Pain has done this. It has given me a better understanding of pain, not just mine. It has helped me learn ways of redirecting and reducing my thoughts of negativity into ways to channel such thoughts into managing my pain and, in some ways, my life. It has shown me that pain is not damage. That I can control it, to a degree, and win back some of my life. Rather than letting it control me. I would recommend this programme to anyone who feels driven by their pain, that it is controlling and ruining their life. It is not always an easy programme, at times. But perseverance, a little patience and the desire to handle the pain and regain something of one's life can be greatly helped, even achieved with this Pathway through Pain programme. The programme has been one of the most beneficial ways in giving me back part of my life. Of allowing me to be more confident in dealing with my chronic daily pain. Of controlling its impact on me and my life. Thank you.

Phillip Murphy

Jul 2014

Its been my friend and support and i will miss it. I know its taken a while to do but always in the back of my mind and now i really regret not keeping a diary. Hoping i can keep the course and go back to it when i want to or even pass it on to so many people i can think of. Thank you.

Christine Howlett

Jul 2014

I had spinal surgery (L5/S1 discectomy) in November 2011. Prior to that, I was very active. I played tennis several times a week, went to the gym and in 2008 did the London Marathon. Sport was a really important part of my life. I was hopeful that the surgery would allow me to return to my previous life quickly. This wasn't the case. I had residual nerve pain down the same pathway that was affected before surgery. My standing tolerance and activity level was much improved by the surgery, but I still had pain. However, my main problem was that I had a lot of fear. I was scared that I would do something that would cause the disc to re-prolapse and I didn't want to go through surgery (or the pre-surgery pain levels) again. This pain course has been really helpful for me. It has helped me to understand that the pain I'm feeling now, doesn't equal damage. It's helped me to grow in confidence and to try new things. Last weekend I helped my brother with a large sporting event. I had to stand up for most the day, travel round the course on a quad-bike and walk more than 5K - something I wouldn't have thought I could do well before I started this course. I did it and although I had pain, it was much more manageable than I thought. Prior to the course, on a bad pain day I would simply stop doing things. Now on a bad pain day, I might take a little break but then I carry on. Often when I do, the pain doesn't actually get any worse. I still have work to do! I know that I'm still anxious about damaging my spine again. And that I still worry any time I trip, or do something that requires lifting or twisting. But little by little I see that is getting better. And I hope that I as I keep building on what I have learned that my activity levels will continue to improve. I might never run another marathon but I can be more active than I am now!


Jun 2014

I have found the course useful, I especailly like the relaxation sessions. I thought that I knew a lot already as I am a trained therapist but there have been some things which I didn't know or hadn't thought about.

Denise Fasulo

Jun 2014

This course has helped me to manage back pain by using relaxation and stretching methods and by pacing activities - thinking about what I am doing and how I can get more out of life but without overdoing it. The course has given me the confidence to reduce the painkiller regime. I am starting to go out more and I hope this progress continues.

Victoria Gordon

Jun 2014

I was probably doing  most of the things listed in the course and feel the course would be very helpful to people with more serious problems than my own.  Having said that I found it reassuring to know that I was going the right way about things. It was a positive, interesting and enjoyable course. Thank you all


Jun 2014

I would recommend this course to anybody who is computer literate, especially if you have walking difficulties and can’t get to the hospital easily. To be able to do the course at home when it suits you in a calm atmosphere is very rewarding. I liked the relaxation tapes and found them very soothing. Good Luck.


Jun 2014

This course was/is fantastic and has had a profound impact on my life. It provided me with all kinds of very useful, relevant and applicable material in a very positive style. I also felt embraced by the programme and surprisingly supported and understood. I cannot praise the course enough and would recommend it to everyone. Thankyou so very much.

Jan Lisgo

Jun 2014

i started this course thinking it would not help. I was angry that there was nothing else offered to help me. The emphasis on back pain was at times upsetting as i have pain all over my body, however, anger is good and it made me complete the course. I did find it very helpful, the library is great and yours for a long time. All thats on the library have helped me greatly.

Anne Hill

May 2014

I am coming to terms with living with my pain thanks to this course.

Georgina Sear

May 2014

It's worth going all the way through the course, its realy helping me in some ways. I would like to keep doing these sort of courses if I can. thank u thank u thank u

Manish Gajjar

May 2014

I found the course very interesting and helpful as it taught me to have a different perspective on the way I viewed pain and how to deal with it. I also believe that in comparison with many others I am very fortunate as I am mobile and can go on holiday and travel freely.

Gill Grigg

Apr 2014

The course encouraged me to reflect constructively on my condition. It enabled me to clarify the helpful things that I was doing already but also helped me to identify new areas and actions that would improve my situation. By providing a range of practical steps to change how I think about my pain, the course has made me more confident in my ability to take control of my pain. I am doing more of the things that I enjoy and am optimistic about further progress.

Chris Milsom

Apr 2014

Pathway through Pain online course is very helpful tool in our lives. There is a lot of help from all of these people who create this program. Lots of very interesting and helpful information. Thank You very Much.


Feb 2014

I have found this course really helpful and factual and feel that I have benefitted very much from taking part in this and would like to partcipate in further online courses the NHS would do in the future.

Racher Archer

Feb 2014

I found the course interesting and it also gave me some new ideas on how to cope better with my pain in the future.

Susan Anderson

Feb 2014

So glad I did this course. Has helped me accept my condition and manage my pain so much better. Have my life back. Realise that my push and burn attitude had resulted in my doing less not more. Found the relaxation exercises really benificial. Liked the fact that no miracle cure was offered but lots of coping methods. Was very low after having to accept medical retirement. The course made me realise that pain management was possible and I now have my social life back. Have even had a holiday for the first time in 4 years. Wish I'd been referred to Pathway through Pain years ago.

Jainye Jones

Oct 2013

Displaying 926 - 947 of 947 Testimonials