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Displaying 976 - 983 of 983 Testimonials

I am coming to terms with living with my pain thanks to this course.

Georgina Sear

May 2014

It's worth going all the way through the course, its realy helping me in some ways. I would like to keep doing these sort of courses if I can. thank u thank u thank u

Manish Gajjar

May 2014

I found the course very interesting and helpful as it taught me to have a different perspective on the way I viewed pain and how to deal with it. I also believe that in comparison with many others I am very fortunate as I am mobile and can go on holiday and travel freely.

Gill Grigg

Apr 2014

The course encouraged me to reflect constructively on my condition. It enabled me to clarify the helpful things that I was doing already but also helped me to identify new areas and actions that would improve my situation. By providing a range of practical steps to change how I think about my pain, the course has made me more confident in my ability to take control of my pain. I am doing more of the things that I enjoy and am optimistic about further progress.

Chris Milsom

Apr 2014

Pathway through Pain online course is very helpful tool in our lives. There is a lot of help from all of these people who create this program. Lots of very interesting and helpful information. Thank You very Much.


Feb 2014

I have found this course really helpful and factual and feel that I have benefitted very much from taking part in this and would like to partcipate in further online courses the NHS would do in the future.

Racher Archer

Feb 2014

I found the course interesting and it also gave me some new ideas on how to cope better with my pain in the future.

Susan Anderson

Feb 2014

So glad I did this course. Has helped me accept my condition and manage my pain so much better. Have my life back. Realise that my push and burn attitude had resulted in my doing less not more. Found the relaxation exercises really benificial. Liked the fact that no miracle cure was offered but lots of coping methods. Was very low after having to accept medical retirement. The course made me realise that pain management was possible and I now have my social life back. Have even had a holiday for the first time in 4 years. Wish I'd been referred to Pathway through Pain years ago.

Jainye Jones

Oct 2013

Displaying 976 - 983 of 983 Testimonials