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Displaying 126 - 150 of 974 Testimonials

Hello, I have repeated the course and I could not be happier from the results. Physically I can do a bit more and my children says, they can see change in my behaviour too. A little bit of endorphins because of the stretching and apparently I am not as gloomy as I used to be. Of course I still have to deal with the pain, but now, I kinda own the pain and I am the one in control. It is still long journey ahead for me, but I really believe that with all the knowledge I am going to be able to improve my life. Thank you all, for making the course possible for me to access once again, it means the world to me. Kind regards, Olga


Sep 2023

I found the course to be really insightful in regards to understanding my pain and techniques really helpful. It helped me realise its a work in progress and there are other ways than medication to support yourself moving forward with chronic pain.


Sep 2023

Was sceptical at first as I wanted a magic wand. Someone to take away the pain, discomfort and anxiety. But I went ahead as I was desperate to regain my life and try anything to help. I took my time. I liked the email reminders and the pace I took. I found the course mostly helpful so thank you


Sep 2023

Useful information but very drawn out. Condensed and less steps would be better


Sep 2023

This course has taught me so much for example I have learnt that pain does not mean damage. I know that I will probably have to live with pain for the rest of my life but I now have some tools to help me cope with this pain. I feel that I can move forward now with the things that I have learnt. Thank you to all the healthcare professionals for giving me hope about my future.


Sep 2023

A truly brilliant course - I really did not have much faith it would change my pain levels - but it has. I now realise pain is affected not only by the physical issues but also how your mind works to cope with these issues. It of course does not get rid of pain i now pace myself more, exercise more and most importantly realise that pain does not mean the situation is getting worse - i work through it taking pain killers when needed. Life is for living.


Aug 2023

It's not really helped me at all


Aug 2023

It has been useful for me to do the course. The main thing that I learned is not to rely too much on medication. I have always exercised since I had my back injury in the early nineties and that probably helped a lot. However I did get a bit complacent and felt worse for it. This course has prompted me to be more disciplined. I also learned other feet exercises, which reduced the nerve pain in my feet. I take far less gabapentin and paracetamols! Thank you!!


Aug 2023

Some helpful information and practices which I will try to help manage my injury after suffering a painful fall. The programme offers helpful and practical advice but unfortunately I am still in chronic pain despite following the programme intently but I will persevere and hope that the information I have learned will help me manage my pain


Aug 2023

Give it a try and stay open minded. Give the suggestions a try even if you think “that’s not me”, I did and have found a new enjoyable exercise I didn’t think I could do!


Aug 2023

This programme is really excellent. I've had back pain for years and have never had any medic give me coping strategies. I'm looking forward to putting your advice into practice.


Aug 2023


Aug 2023


Aug 2023


Aug 2023


Aug 2023

You have to acknowledge that the advice given will highlight some of the reasons as to why you might have some of these pains. I found the programme very well structured. Some of it might reveal deeply held fears and anxieties or painful memories. These are incredibly hard to deal with, but I hope with the help of the material covered on the Pathway through pain, this will give me new confidence and the ability to cope better with pain flare-ups and mental distress. Thank you very much.


Aug 2023


Jul 2023

I have really benefited from the meditation stories.


Jul 2023

Although I still have pain, I have a better understanding of it which is helpful. I particularly enjoyed the relaxation session involving the walled garden, the fountain and the hammock. I felt good after listening and partaking it, I will keep repeating that. The relaxation with the spa and the bubbles was quite good, but it did make me desperate for a wee! It was reassuring to learn I can't do more damage by doing exercises. I take a break when I need one.


Jul 2023

Was sceptical that a non medicinal approach could help me alleviate my pains and anxiety from pain. This course made me challenge my thinking. Many thanks for putting me forward for this course.


Jul 2023

Absolutely no good to me at all im afraid. I already try to meditate. I am extremely active and I have practiced yoga for many years All of the steps may be of tremendous benefit for some that don't know any of this but everything in the program I have already been practicing


Jul 2023

While some of the messages in the program are important, the delivery of these messages was disjointed, sometimes contradictory and lacked empathy. Also, from someone who suffers with extreme fatigue and others health issues some of the advice about ‘getting on with things’ is actually harmful. One of the suggestions is to ‘decorate/paint a wall’ as a physical activity- that is so beyond my reach and beyond my pacing level that it was very frustrating. I found the video very amateur and the presenters very downbeat. It lacked a positive, upbeat message and any reassurance that we can live with this level of pain. Most of it was very depressing to listen to. The first meditation was very good and I will use that. The other meditation I found jarring- finishing and starting the meditation by imagining walking through a busy echoey hall way is not my idea of relaxation.  I was really disappointed with the lack of reference to other conditions. I’m starting to realise that those of us with pain relating to fatigue, fibromyalgia and long covid/CFS are just abandoned by the NHS.


Jul 2023

I not depressed I'm in pain. One question was could I concentrate on reading or watching the TV, my reply was no not for several days, it doesn't mean I'm depressed I'm in pain that's why I can't concentrate, several questions of very unfair alluding that you are depressed when you're in pain, allso about exercise and stretching I do a manual job every day


Jul 2023


Jun 2023


Jun 2023

Displaying 126 - 150 of 974 Testimonials