Jan 2023
This is an excellent course, which has really helped me on the road to managing my head pain. I would recommend it to anyone with chronic pain.
Jan 2023
I found the course easy to do as it was broken down into short steps therefore I did not feel overwhelmed by it. It has also given me some confidence in managing my pain better and being able to do more of my interests.
Jan 2023
It has helped to rethink the boom or bust way I usually manage my pain
Jan 2023
Jan 2023
This is my second time in completing the Pathway Through Pain Course. It was a few years ago that I first did this Course. I found it extremely beneficial and of great help. Unfortunately I did not download any course of mindfulness techniques to continue to refer to, especially on my bad days. Over the years I have fallen back into my old thought process of dealing with my pain. Where I have let my Pain issues take control of my day. Which in turn this caused me to become depressed and very irritable. A downward spiral. Pathway Through Pain sent me an email over the New Year. I have rejoined and completed the Course again. Finding ways to deal with my pain positively rather than negatively. I will continue to use my Coursework and especially the meditation techniques, aiming for my thought process to rethink the way I deal with my pain. I still have someway to go but the Pathway Through Pain seed has been set for me to use. My thinking has definitely changed and I will continue to work on it. An excellent Course.
Jan 2023
You have been a great help to me for handling my pain.Thank you so much.
Jan 2023
The pain management course has helped me to manage my pain better by using some of the suggestions alongside medication. Suggesting stretching and light exercise even when pain is bad. Use of heat pads and TENS machine really helps with pain. Useful to have all the resources in the library to be able to use when needed. I didnt find the guided meditation very helpful but thats probably due to my lack of concentration and inability to sit long enough to do it.
Jan 2023
This is a very useful course for anyone suffering long-term chronic pain. I've suffered for decades and many of the suggestions in the course I've been using for that time and they have been effective
Jan 2023
I have learned a few exercise and advice from you but unfortunately not helped at all. Thanks for your advice.
Jan 2023
Jan 2023
Jan 2023
I have found the heavy focus on meditation within the course disturbing. Meditation is a religious practise and not something Christians can partake in. The suggestion of doing yoga is also a spiritual practise not compatible with Christian beliefs. I do not think it is acceptable to have any religious references within a NHS course as you are in danger of isolating a faith group. I understand that this course has been designed to assist people who have received proper investigations into their pain condition(s). This is not something I have received. This course has made me feel utterly hopeless, misunderstood and most importantly ‘dismissed’. Despite my contacting you last year to reiterate and confirm that you received the instruction to direct me to see a rheumatologist you have still not acted on this instruction. This entire course is patronising. All of this information is on YouTube…I know this because I’ve spent years watching videos to help me understand and deal with my pain.
Jan 2023
I would never recommend using the pain Clinic or this course. Very little was done to help me. I was sent to the pain clinic at my worst time I had deep depression. And all the pain clinic did for me was take me off of all my medications to where I had side affect for 6 months. As well as trying to deal with deep depression due to my pain. I was then sent on this course that told me pain was in my head. And the way you deal with pain is to stop what you are doing and meditate. This did not work for me as I am not a monk who has had training to cope with pain since a child. In my opinion the ethos for the pain clinic management for pain is to save the NHS lots of money by taking people off costly pain medication and convincing them to meditate so their pain will disappear. This does not work if you go to A&E with a broken bone they don’t tell you to meditate they give you pain medication why are people in long term pain being treated differently. It’s the cost it must be.
Dec 2022
I would like to thank everyone for the help and advice they have given me during the course it has been very helpful Thankyou
Dec 2022
Dec 2022
I found this really helpful and it made me remember certain things and what to do
Dec 2022
Dec 2022
Superb course, I can’t swear by any results as of yet but there definitely seems to be substance to this course and I definitely recommend it to anyone with persistent pain.
Dec 2022
The course does not ask about any new or altered medication which has happened in my case and has made some difference to my pain and mood and it is this rather than the course which has improved my ‘results’ ! My overall opinion of the course is that maybe just 10% has been helpful. I know there is no magic solution but being told that you just have to manage it can sometimes make me cross.
Dec 2022
Thank you, this course has really helped me with pain and understanding how to live with it. I listen to my body more now and give myself time to meditate. I only use pain killers when I have a flare up and nothing will take the edge off the pain. I have enjoyed doing this course.
Dec 2022
Dec 2022
This course appears to be for people with bad backs - my pain is mainly in my arms (RSI/fibromyalgia) when it is paramount that I do listen to the pain because it does spell danger if I carry on! So I ignored that. The meditations very useful indeed, especially those with the sound effects. I agree that pain medication is not always the answer. I wish some GPs would understand this as well. I preferred to take gentle exercise, Pilates, walking, acupuncture etc. Following distractions, as suggested, can really help your brain to think of something else other than pain, although I can totally understand that pain may need to come down in level a bit to achieve this. Advice re not overloading family, friends and colleagues ref your pain and problems is good, as people do get fed up of hearing about it. However people often forget about chronic pain, thinking it is like acute injuries which heal, and they don't understand that chronic pain just continues affecting your whole life. I would say give the course a go and give everything a try. Life is too short to give up due to pain - don't let it win.
Nov 2022
I understand what the professionals are trying to achieve here. It is a very positive and encouraging course regarding pain management, however, it seems very "one size fits all". I was a little disappointed that the ending questionnaire showed little to no improvement for me. I am more depressed than when I started (nothing to do with the course) as my pain has increased, even though I've followed all advice given within the course. I've changed my diet, lost some weight, kept as active as I can within my means, I stretch everyday, I try to be social at least once a month where possible, and I listen to the mindfulness tapes and meditation segments in my library but have noticed very little difference to my overall health and pain the past few months. Yes, it has take me over a year to complete this course as I've been so unwell and in such severe pain no matter what I do. I've followed the advice, meditated, tried positive reinforcement techniques, kept active and nothing has help much. I will say that the meditation tapes do aid in reducing stress and lowering pain for those 20 minutes of listening, but it comes straight back as soon as it ends. The only thing that has assisted me is my pain medication and has gotten me through some very painful episodes in combination with the meditation tapes and relaxing techniques, but I can't lay/sit and meditate all day everyday, it just isn't realistic. I feel this course is aimed at those who know why they are experiencing pain and have been given answers to then use these tools to cope with such pains.
Overall, although positive, encouraging and supportive, the course seems to focus more of ways to deal with pain without medication which is unrealistic for many people who suffer excruciating pain everyday and need immediate pain relief for that pain daily. Sometimes, no amount of breathing, meditation, stretching helps relieve severe pain there and then. It might distract you for a few moments, but what about for the rest of then day? I don't mean to sound disheartening or negative as I have been doing the steps, using the library and really trying hard to incorporate the suggested techniques in to my days. But I've seen such a small amount of improvement I'm afraid to say. I just have to be honest so that this course can be improved in order for it to managed all levels of pain ranging from low to excruciating, because at the moment the course needs to be differentiated for all levels of pain.
Nov 2022
Hello I did enjoy the course it gave me some new insight about pain and how it can affect us, I tried some mental calming techniques, and found them very helpful. Especially recently when I have been put under pressure, also the relaxation guide and gentle exercise videos were helpful. In all I thank you and your team, for the time and trouble you’ve gone to, to help vulnerable people.
Nov 2022