I enjoyed doing this course and found it very helpful but unfortunately my condition worsend so it is difficult to establish how much the course has helped me. My pain has worsened in the last month or so and also i haven't been able to access some sections in the library espcially the relaxation one. But i thank you because i have learned a lot of things.
Jun 2022
The videos were good to have and make it interesting. Just enough physiology explained, unfortunately a lot of the content I have already been doing but was good to do still
Jun 2022
I found the course helped me a lot as I could do it at my own pace and it made me realise I was not alone. They gave me more confidence to do the things I can when I am able. The relaxing video helps me a lot as do all the videos.
Jun 2022
Thank you for the help you have provided. I will continue to use the tips, exercises and positive mantras you have given me. Thank you
Jun 2022
I found this course really helpful and looked forward to it
May 2022
A very helpful and realistic course, my pain management has improved and I am very happy with the advise and on-going resources that I can now access
May 2022
I have found this course very informative & helpful. It's also been enjoyable to have something to do as my days are long & lonely. I've not logged in for 2 weeks due to illness & mental health problems. Now I'm getting help I'm hoping to resume techniques I've learnt. Thank you
May 2022
Thank you. This course has made a difference to my life and believe it will do forever. I feel I am not alone. Loved the meditations and have found that my pain levels, even though bad, since doing the course I can bounce back emotionally quicker after a major flare up and keep more of a smile when doing so.
May 2022
Will look back on it all the time as I will need it more for my recovery x
May 2022
Chronic pain for over 10 years had taken a life of it's own and was making decisions for me, it often controlled my life, insidiously controlling my thoughts and behaviour. This course helped me by opening my eyes and seeing that 'pain is not damage'. It has given me confidence to work through pain, and now I am getting the life back that I had been losing. Pathway Through Pain has given me practical tools to manage my bad days and know how far to go on the good ones, and by doing so I will achieve more. Thank you for putting this programme together - Victor Saltmeris
May 2022
I was sceptical that the course being internet based would be be non interactive but it’s structure certainly feels as if the experts are sitting next to you. Impressive!
Apr 2022
A very good informative course. I have done a similar course before with my sister, it was face to face as she did it just before lockdown so i knew what it was all about. But thank you so much for having me.
Apr 2022
I'm sorry that I can't really give a more positive feedback. I've suffered from chronic pain for over 30 years since a spinal operation left me with scar tissue and other spinal problems I already practise much of what this course offers, with the exception of the drugs for pain video. This video I found quite condescending, saying that chronic pain patients will continue to take drugs for their pain but complain they aren't working. That's so far off from my experience. Most chronic pain patients accept that they are not going to be pain free but usually know the drugs that allow them to function and the dosage it takes to keep them functional. This course may be helpful to patients who are new to chronic pain but less helpful to patients who have years of experience.
Apr 2022
The course is very helpful.
Apr 2022
Apr 2022
Apr 2022
Apr 2022
This course is amazing and very helpful. You will definitely feel better doing this course
Apr 2022
Thank you for giving me the chance to participate on this course.
Apr 2022
I found the course to be helpful in some of the suggestions. Unfortunately I feel my situation to be unchanged and it needs medical intervention. However, even after that I don't think my situation will be changed much. But, I will try to keep positive.
Apr 2022
Apr 2022
After a lot of thoughts while practising the stretches/meditations i find myself going through the 2nd ton bag of grain of sand.This course is designed for hypochondriac/liars which logicaly are so easy to treat/fool but when faced with genuine/real conditions that afflict true/accute pains day after day surely the pain unit clinic must have more real/affective working treatments . It also shows the little understanding nor the belief that you specialists have in your patients when told they truely in pain and that pain will not got away by simply twirling an imaginary grain of sand Seriuosly ? This is belittling demoralising and not aspiring.
Apr 2022
I found the course to be very helpful but until I have my two knees and two hip operations I will not able to do part of stretching exercise, but I am glad I did the course because when I have had my surgery I will be able to use the course as soon as possible after it.
Mar 2022
Mar 2022
I started the course with some trepidation as I didn't know what to expect. Fortunately I have been pleasantly surprised at how well the course is laid out and easy to follow. I particularly liked the relaxation videos and use them on a daily basis. A lot of the techniques I have used in the past to help with pain as I am not able to use a lot of the pain relief available .
Mar 2022