Jan 2022
Dec 2021
Dec 2021
I did find support on the Persistent Pain course, especially with the breathing work. I liked the pacing suggestions, some very good ideas. And the sitting twists and forward bends from sitting especially. All your team could not have been more encouraging and empathetic. Thank you all of you.
Dec 2021
Dec 2021
Dec 2021
When i began this Course, during the Pre Christmas 2021 period , i was feeling sceptical, and depressed. To my surprise, my mood has improved to such an extent that a friend noticed the difference from other years. I have more energy, and have re used the Sleep, and Pain control Meditations with success.. i still use pain control meds but i am open to the possibility of change. I recommend this course, because it made a positive difference.
Dec 2021
This has been the best course by far that I've been on. It has helped me to see what I need to change in my life to help me cope with the chronic pain. I found new ways to help me take control of most of my pain. I have 1 more better day now then I did before this and I hope I get more back. I have told others to get themselves referred to this course.
Dec 2021
I found the Pathway through Pain online course extremely helpful and convenient. The Library section is excellent as it allowed me to go over techniques which I learned in the early part of the course. Not only do you learn stretching techniques but also various types of relaxation meditation to complement the physical part of the course. I would highly recommend the course.
Dec 2021
Nov 2021
The course was very interesting and easy to follow. The downloadable videos are useful to use whenever you need them. I found the total relaxation video helpful at night as long as i didn't see the screen, as the coloured shape brought on migraines. I took a bit longer than the suggested time to complete the course due to illness. My new favourite word is PACING. I try to do this as much as possible, not always easy when at work but sometimes alongside other things you can come to an arrangement that will help both parties . Im glad I did the course and would recommend everyone offered it should give it a go.
Nov 2021
Very interesting course and even though I haven't felt like I've benefitted from it, I will continue with the advice it gives you. I can see it would help a lot of people though who have been down all other routes.
Nov 2021
This is all things I’ve been doing and know about. Breathe, meditate, no stress etc etc I don’t think we all need to be patronised over and over. The reason I went to the doctor ten years ago is I was in pain I couldn’t deal with my normal life. I don’t want to be put on painkillers. I want something done and there’s many options and you just go round and round pain clinic, physio operation and back around. You don’t get support you get 5 minutes told how to breathe
Nov 2021
Great thanks l have learnt a lot and understand more about mind over matter and pain.
Nov 2021
Acceptance is the way forward to continue to live your life to its fullest whilst managing your pain.
Nov 2021
Nov 2021
As a nurse I can see how this varied content will help many. Sadly I personally have only found a few bits useful. The reason being it is not personalised to my needs. My referral to this clinic followed right sided flank pain which I have experienced for years; with it becoming progressively worse. I assume I received the 'back pain' course. The details on relationship between brain and pain was a useful re-cap. The stretching was generally helpful (more so for my upper and lower back pain rather than my flank pain). Some exercises were not possible due to further recent shoulder surgery. Many sessions really not helpful. I cannot pace myself when pain starts immediately. I still need to take my children to school, exercise, work, run a house etc. The sessions on pain did not help as the pain wakes me. The sessions were contradicting my physio (for other issues) and my consultant for other issues. My referral was for R sided flank neck pain, upper and lower back pain, knee pain, hand pain, wrist pain, knee pain, ankle pain. Undergone my 5th shoulder surgery this year. I do not take pain relief through fear of side effects and addiction. I still keep active through pain (going to the gym and walking). I felt very confused on what I should do and what I shouldn't . I do have medical insight but still felt conflicted. This course, as I said would greatly benefit many of my patients, but sadly I have felt little impact, and just more confusion. The pain in my hands and shoulder writing this is now becoming quite unbearable so I will now stop. Great idea for some; just not suitable for all.
Nov 2021
I have found this on-line course quite helpful but I must say that going to the pain clinic with all the other people would have been better. I have found that giving time to the on-line course has been more of a problem then going to a clinic but I am glad I did do it as it was better then not having any help at all so I would say to others starting this course keep going it is worth it
Nov 2021
"I was surprised to be offered this programme, but grateful. The very positive message is that following the advice given, I can be active in improving and dealing with my condition and therefore continue to enjoy a good quality of life."
Nov 2021
I found the course quite helpful with managing my chronic back pain. I know the pain will always be there however I have more tools to help manage it rather then reaching for medication cabinet. The mindfulness was the most helpful tool to help me control and understand the mechanics of pain.
Nov 2021
I found the course very helpful in helping me see the links between stress and pain and in giving me tools to help me relax to help the pain. I also found it useful to hear that having pain isn’t a sign of problems and therefore being able to deal with it better as I didn’t worry about the pain. I already did stretches and walked a fair amount but I found it helpful to start pacing myself on a bad day and accepting that some days I could do less.
Nov 2021
It has taught me that instead of trying to chase doctors for a cure for my back problem I must accept that I will have to live with the pain forever and adjust my way of thinking about the pain
Nov 2021
"The course seemed daunting at the start with so many steps, but by persevering and with the variety of activities it seemed flow easily towards the end. I only wish that something like this had been available 30 years ago when my back problems started!"
Nov 2021
The course is very informative and non-judgemental and does put forward many useful suggestions of which many people may not be aware. It makes one look inwards towards oneself and habits they develop and shows ways to redirect them.
Oct 2021
It was definitely worthwhile doing this course. My pain issues are complex due to having both chronic and also acute pain which has no prior warning. None the less, the course was beneficial for tying together techniques such as stretching, relaxing and adjusting breathing through various stages of movement. I'll be referring back to the course in future to adjust and increase activities and to integrate it more fully in everyday activities as my condition allows.
Oct 2021