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Displaying 676 - 700 of 964 Testimonials

Enjoyed going through the course think it will help a lot of people, but due to my circumstance in my illness it wasn’t able to help me as much.


Dec 2019

Didn't think it would help but it has. Made me re-evaluate my life. Made lots of positive changes and feel more able to cope with my pain and social events that I'd avoided before because of fear of a flare up.


Dec 2019

Thanks to techniques learned on the course I have realized the importance of my attitude towards the pain, how changing the way I think about it can have a really positive effect. I haven't reached all my goals, but I am still on the journey. I'm not afraid of flare ups because I feel better equipped to deal with them.


Nov 2019


Nov 2019

At the start of the course I had little faith it would help me as I've had problems with pain over 10 years. Nothing seemed to work, I was fed up with endless doctors appointments, medication going up and down. The most helpful thing for me was to learn how to relax, let go of my fear of pain and to take back my feeling of control. Thank you.


Nov 2019

Some of the course was very helpful with some practical ideas and useful information, however as a Christian didn't appreciate the hypnosis type mindfulness ideas, which have their origins in Eastern Religions. 


Nov 2019


Nov 2019

Very interesting different view of my pain conditions and how to manage them better than taking constant pain relief tablets. Will revisit the notes to concentrate on what has been taught and practice the advice given. I feel more hopeful now that I can overcome some of these problems using things taught on this course. Thanks a lot.


Oct 2019


Oct 2019


Oct 2019

This course has helped me each and every day through a difficult time. Thanks to the steps provided it has helped me to combat my fatigue. I feel empowered and able to manage it so much better and feel able to complete tasks I enjoy and somehow manage the pain. Pacing has been a massive help. Pathway through pain is a breath of fresh air.


Oct 2019

I found the some of the course helpful, as some I can't do through other problems with myself, but the bits I could do I found helpful


Oct 2019

The one thing I found consistently valuable from participating in this online course, was being able to access it when I needed to. I have shared techniques with friends and family which has reinforced its effectiveness personally. I am now reconciled to the fact that I'm not perfect but its not a problem going forward.


Sep 2019

Worth trying if you've never done anything like this before


Sep 2019

Excellent course. Really helpful, lots of tips and advice with useful online advice for relaxation and stretching


Sep 2019


Sep 2019

I have been pleasantly surprised that this course has specifically helped me with my quality of life. I really thought nothing could help but now I have a dog & take her for short walks...we both need to build up slowly! I can’t manage to every day but most days. I don’t sleep or nap as much as before as I’m too focused on taking care of her now as well as me. My family & friends are noticing a difference in me being more positive. I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so much since my new puppy! I couldn’t get to the course in person sadly because of travel arrangements issues, but was offered the online course instead. I can highly recommend it. You can go at your own pace. I did find it hard to stay motivated & focused at times but regular phone calls with the pain management GP really helped and encouraged me not to give up & keep going. I’m about to start a weekly puppy training class & a yoga class too. It feels like a brave new world now & I’m a bit scared if I’m honest but I’m determined to give it a try because I know gentle exercise makes me feel & move better! I now understand more about my pain itself & that I’m not hurting myself or making the pain worse by gently exercising & that knowledge has been powerful. Knowing that I’m not on my own has meant so with chronic pain has felt so isolating & lonely but I don’t feel so much like that anymore. More good news is that all the exercises & information from this course is saved so that you can go back to the steps you’ve found helpful, which I’ve been doing. I love the meditation visualisation & breathing steps which fit perfectly with my yoga.


Sep 2019

This course has been done in such a way that it's easy to understand and in a way that it doesn't feel like i'm being judged for the things i'm unable to do.


Sep 2019


Sep 2019


Aug 2019

The course provides plenty of things to think about and ways to improve your outlook and wellbeing


Aug 2019

At a personal level for me it has been an interesting experience from the point of view of how to manage one's life in a positive manner in spite of certain set backs when the pain can be quite debilitating. However, I have always taken a positive attitude and somehow have managed to get over the hurdle of dealing with pain. To maintain the lifestyle that I like and enjoy on long term basis have almost always being positive in my thought process which has helped me physically and mentally. I do take mild analgesia once or at the most twice a day. I follow the exercise programme on a daily basis and some Yoga practice which I can sustain comfortably. I do find it difficult to sit on the floor to do certain Yoga exercise and that is frustrating. However, I am thankful that knowing my limitations, I am able to live an independent life. The support of family and friends is invaluable for us all at human level and I am very fortunate to be blessed with both.


Aug 2019


Aug 2019

I really enjoyed the relaxation and meditation part of the course but as my problem is a burning sensation I don't associate that with pain.


Jul 2019

I have found so many benefits from this course, however the self meditation I found difficult to do. Although I am retired I have a part time driving job which at the moment is more like a full time job working up to fifty hours a week. It is my choice of doing this and I do find that my pain increases with the hours I put in. I manage to do most of the exercise from the course which does help.


Jul 2019

Displaying 676 - 700 of 964 Testimonials